Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Central America, South America, North America! With so many locations to choose from, how do you make the decision of where to study abroad? How you personally decide where to go may look different from how others make that same decision, but that’s ok. The important thing is that you remember only you can make the decision on where to go. After all, this is YOUR experience! There are some helpful tips that may help you make your decision a little easier. I asked several of my friends I met during my time abroad how they made their decisions – let’s just say I was shocked at how many different answers I got! So, while this list cannot make the decision for you, I hope that hearing what others who have been through the experience of studying abroad can help you narrow down your search to find the perfect location for you!
1) Language: This was my top consideration when I thought about what I wanted. I knew I didn’t want to live in a country that didn’t speak English (foreign languages are not my forte). However, I had other friends choose a country based on a foreign language they were majoring in or just interested in. Studying in a country is a fantastic way to learn a new language or improve your skills with a language you are already studying.
2) Length of Program: Do you want to go during Spring Break or do you want to spend an entire semester (or even year!) abroad? Spring Break sound too short, but a semester too long? Then there are summer options! The good news is no matter how long you are looking to study abroad, you can find a program that fits your wants. If you are going in the Fall and have to be back to your home institution for classes, it is important to look at when you will be finished with classes abroad. Many school systems do not have the same exact semesters we do, and their classes may still be going on when you need to be back. Similarly, if you’re looking for a summer experience, be sure you’ll be able to be back by whenever classes start in August!
3) Weather: This is one of those that I didn’t think about, but after one of my friends told me that was the main thing they looked for, I wondered how weather never even crossed my mind! Are you looking for snow or something tropical? Or something in between or similar to home? Also, if you are looking in the Southern Hemisphere, remember our summer is their winter and our winter is their summer.
4) Somewhere you never thought you would go: Maybe you know that one day, you will make it to Europe. But, you’re just not sure you’ll ever make it to Africa. So, maybe you decide that you should take this experience and go somewhere you might not make it otherwise! Maybe you want to challenge yourself more and put yourself in a culture that you are completely unfamiliar with. Then look at somewhere you’ve never thought about! On the other hand…
5) Where you always wanted to go: I had always wanted to go to Australia, so this was also one of my deciding factors. I thought just getting out of the country would be a big enough challenge, so I wanted somewhere that could be perceived as more familiar. Even if you do choose to go somewhere you perceive as more familiar, you’re still going to be in a different place and facing challenges. It’s all about what you want and how big of a challenge you’re looking for! And what is challenging to one person, might not be so challenging for another – and that’s ok!
6) Financial Considerations: Some countries are just going to be more expensive than others. Europe and Australia might be more expensive…South America and Africa might be cheaper. Since budgets are so tight with college students these days, this could be a very important factor. Remember, financial aid can be an option to help with your expenses as well.
7) Academic Responsibilities: You are STUDYING abroad, so you’re going to have some academic responsibilities. And you’re going to want your academics to count for something. So, look at what institutions offer classes, internships, or volunteer opportunities that you need and make sure those will transfer back.
8) Right Fit: Once again, this is about YOU. Only you know what will work best for you. Nobody else can tell you. While it can be good to hear about experiences from other people, this decision is up to you! Trust in yourself and know that no matter what, you can do this!
Additional Resources:
FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=0&Link_ID=3548FEE6-782B-CB2F-B959349899A6AE5A (For WIU students)
FuseAction=Abroad.ViewLink&Parent_ID=0&Link_ID=3548FEE6-782B-CB2F-B959349899A6AE5A (For WIU students)
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